The arts for reconciliation have been used increasingly in recent years as a vehicle for bridging cultural divides, celebrating diversity, promoting cross-cultural dialogue and understanding, and challenging stereotypes (Oddie, 2005). The ARROW programme (Art: A Resource for Reconciliation Over the World) is an emerging network of people, organizations and institutions with an interest in and commitment to developing the creative arts as a resource for such participatory conflict transformation processes (Oddie, 2005: 22). ARROW hubs are located in the United Kingdom (UK), Kosovo, Palestine, South Africa (SA), Sierra Leone and Rwanda. This study investigates the efficacy of an ARROW SA intervention about Palestinian youth (Who are we? Who are you? A Journey to Palestine with ARROW) in altering some of the perceptions that ARROW SA youth of Bechet Secondary School in Sydenham, Durban may have of Palestinian youth. With greater insight into the effects that such interventions have on young people, ARROW may be able to increase the likelihood of participants decoding intervention material in the manner intended (Hall, 1980). Essentially, the study seeks to determine whether ARROW SA youth are able to identify with Palestinian youth as a part of their ingroup.